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Key Stage 5

Sixth Form: Eduqas A-Level Drama

Year 12 A-Level Drama initially focuses on developing understanding of key Theatre Practitioner and Theatre Companies. Learners undertake a series of practical and theoretical workshops exploring the different elements of their A-Level. During this time, Y12 Drama learners experience each Component of their overall A-Level to ensure that each individual learner fully understands the requirement of the Component and gets experiences both the practical and written elements required. Y12 Drama learners perform each half-term to a selected audience.

Learners fully utilise online streaming platforms such as National Theatre Live and Digital Theatre Plus. Learners will also have the opportunity to experience Live Theatre at a varied selection of Theatres.

Year 13 A-Level Drama learners complete their three Components during each term of Y13. This starts with Component 1 Theatre Workshops worth 20% of their A-Level. This Component is completed between September and December of Y13. Component 2 Text in Action commences in December and runs through to March of Y13 and is worth 40% of their A-Level It is externally assessed by a visiting Eduqas examiner. Component 3 is an external written assessment and commences in the summer term of Year 12. It runs parallel throughout Y13 with the other Components. Component 3 is Text in performance and is worth 40% of their entire A-Level.

Eduqas A-Level Drama Set Texts:


These are available on Google Classrooms.