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Foodbank Appeal

This term our Learner Leadership Team led a whole school collection for our local Foodbank (West Cheshire Foodbank).

West Cheshire Foodbank provide emergency help for people who live below the poverty line, providing food to men, women, and children in crisis around our local community.

Learners and teachers were asked to bring in items from a list provided by Foodbank. Nearly 50 boxes were collected in total, and the provisions will be distributed by Foodbank accordingly. Our aim this term was to spread as much love, joy and happiness through generosity to our local community.

During the appeal Year 7 Forms were encouraged to design their collection boxes; which were themed around either Christmas, their Hall, or about our school! The winning form (chosen by Foodbank) were 7Y1MA with their 'Maathai Polar Express', with second place going to 7X3YO, for their 'Foodbank Snowman.'


Chester Aid for the Homeless

During UK Parliament Week (1st - 7th November), learners took part in a vote for 'Make YOUR Upton Mark' to find out what issues are important to them both in school and in their local community - Cheshire West and Chester. 

One of the concerns raised by learners about our local community was Homelessness - with this in mind the Learner Leadership Team wanted to do something to help and in turn show their peers, their voices have been heard. 

They decided to pack and donate 5 extra boxes of tins, cereals, and teas/coffees to our local Homeless centre, Chester Aid for the Homeless.

Thank you for your continued support and for helping us make a difference.

The Learner Leadership Team