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Year 8 visit to Liverpool Central Library

A group of enthusiastic Year 8 students ventured to Liverpool Central Library to celebrate National Poetry Day on the 6th October 2016.

A group of enthusiastic Year 8 students ventured to Liverpool Central Library to celebrate National Poetry Day on the 6th October 2016. This was a fantastic event and our students were receptive and inspired by the architecture and enormity of the library itself.

In attendance was published poet, Dr Eleanor Rees from Liverpool Hope University, who took the time to provide our students with readings from her own collections; inspired by climate change and its effects on animals who inhabit the earth alongside us. This allowed students to imagine what ‘message’ they would like to project through their own poems as this was the theme for National Poetry Day.

 As a group we gathered on the roof terrace as the sun was setting to perform poetry created that evening. This made for a fantastic atmosphere and a truly memorable experience.

Miss Green