Art & Design
"Our Principle Aim is to Develop Independent and Creative Thinkers"
Hello, I am Miss T. French, Head of Art and Design at Upton-by-Chester High School and I would like to welcome you to our exciting and innovative Department. Art education has a vital role in the development of all our pupils. We encourage problem solving, the ability to work and think independently and provide opportunities to apply ideas and thoughts creatively. These skills, important as they are to life generally, can be applied to any future career path that students decide to follow.
Email the department:
The Art department at Upton-by-Chester High School strives to develop independent and creative thinkers. Art helps all learners to acquire cultural capital which underpins and encourages a love of learning, leading to a development of a visual literacy with which to communicate ideas about their own and others work effectively. In particular, visual learning encourages our disadvantaged and learners with special educational needs to engage in work which informs and embeds their understanding of culture capital. Learners will have the opportunity to investigate historical and current issues, societal and cultural diversity, producing art work which takes into account the content of, and context in which, such issues arise. This will enable them to make comments on a range of ideas and conventions. Learners will engage with a range of media, techniques and processes, learning how to produce, present and evaluate their own work with reference to that of others, understanding their work in the context of historical, contemporary and cultural sources. Problem solving and the ability to work and think independently are key skills and the department will provide opportunities for learners to apply their ideas and thoughts creatively. These skills, important as they are to life generally, can be applied to any future career path that our pupils decide to follow.
In art terms, cultural capital refers to the bank of cultural experiences that learners can gain from different cultural opportunities. This includes but is not limited to; Gallery visits, exhibitions, displays around the school, sharing of good practice, access to a diverse range of images and artefacts from historical, contemporary and cultural sources, artist workshops and competitions.
Key Stage 3
Art is compulsory at Key Stage 3 and all students study Art for one and a half hours a week in year 7 and an hour a week in year 8 and 9. Projects are mostly teacher led and students will have an opportunity to experience a wide range of materials and techniques. By the end of year 9 learners will have developed the independence and skills needed to continue on to GCSE.
Schemes of Work at Key Stage 3 are based on the National Curriculum requirements and on the Departmental Curriculum Framework. This ensures that all students cover a range of materials, techniques and processes throughout Key Stage 3. Homework is set approximately on a two week timetable and will support, inform and enhance classroom learning. Assessment is in accordance with Whole School Policy.
The Art department is embracing the use of new technologies in years 7, 8 and 9; absorbing them into the Art curriculum. At Key stage 3, pupils will have opportunity to experience a range of materials, processes, techniques and references. In each year, pupils will engage in at least 2 extended units of work which will be based on one or more starting points selected from the list above. They will also have opportunity to take part in competitions, paired and/or group work and exhibitions.
For more detailed information follow this link: Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Art and Photography are popular option choices at Key Stage 4 with large numbers of learners opting to take one or more of the Art subjects through to GCSE. Results are very high with large numbers of learners achieving or exceeding their target grades. The courses offered are AQA Fine Art, Graphic Communication and AQA Photography. Learner's put on a GCSE Exhibition in the summer term. The Art, Graphics and Photography GCSE’s consists of the portfolio unit and an externally set assignment. The Portfolio Unit, (60%) is made up from a minimum of 2 projects and will be completed in class and for homework throughout years 10 and 11. The Portfolio unit will cover all four key objectives and learners must show that they are able to use a range of appropriate media, materials and techniques. The Externally Set Assignment, (40%) takes place in January - April of Year 11 and learners will receive their exam papers in January of that year. All preparation work is undertaken with the guidance of the teacher and learners are allowed to take this into their final, 10 hour, (2 x 5 blocks) practical exam.
Both Portfolio Unit and Exam are marked in accordance with AQA Assessment Objectives.
The four objectives are;
Develop ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.
Refine ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions in visual and/or other forms.
Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.
For more detailed information follow this link: Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
Art and Photography are popular choices at A-Level with many students going on to take an Art route at Foundation and/or Degree level. The Courses offered are AQA Fine Art and AQA Photography. AQA Textiles is also available for those students who are interested in this subject. The A level comprises of 2 units of work; The Personal Investigation, (Component 1 - 60% of total A Level mark) is based on idea, issue, concept or theme supported by 1000-3000 words. It is marked as a whole and internally marked by art staff and moderated by an AQA external Assessor. The externally set assignment, (Component 2 - 40% of total A Level mark) is issued to candidates on 1st February. There are 15 hours of supervised time and the exam is marked as a whole by art staff and moderated by an AQA external assessor. There are separate question papers for each endorsement containing a choice of six exciting starting points. Candidates should produce a clearly defined selection of work which will lead to a finished piece or pieces. A Level students put on an Exhibition in the summer of Year 13.
For more detailed information follow this link: Key Stage 5
Art club takes place each week for Key Stage 3 GCSE Art, Photography and Graphics club takes place weekly after school. There are opportunities for GCSE Learners to attend the Conway Centre GCSE Art enrichment weekends. A Level visits take place to galleries and exhibitions, as well as visiting artist workshops.
Staff & Responsibilities
Miss T. French Head of Art and Design, Art and Photography teacher.
Miss H. Wynn 2nd in Department, Art and Design and Art Teacher.
Mr A. Prest, Art, Photography and Graphics teacher.
Mrs F. Ashcroft, Art Teacher.
Mrs I. Hutchin, Art and Technology teacher.
Key Stage 3 - 1 x 30-40 minute homework per fortnight.
Key Stage 4 - 2 x 40 minutes per fortnight.
Key stage 5 - Up to 3 hours per fortnight + 9 hours independent study.
Please refer to our whole school homework policy.
Key stage 3 - Verbal feedback, written feedback, self and peer reflection.
Key stage 4 - Verbal feedback, Written feedback, trackers and self review and reflect through annotation.
Key stage 5 - Verbal feedback, Written feedback, trackers and self review and reflect through annotation, group critiques.
Key stage 3 - The teacher will provide written feedback on learner's work once per half term, assessment will take the form of positive comments and targets for improvement. Learners will receive an effort grade. Summative grades and targets will be provided at report points.
Key Stage 4 - Written feedback will be given every 4 weeks as a minimum. Teachers will record written feedback in the progress conversation logs which are either at the back of the sketchbook or on the learner websites in a separate tab. Effort grades and mid project working towards grades may be awarded. At the end of a project, learners will receive a working at grade, a reviewed predicted grade and an effort grade. Formal assessment sheets will be provided based on the AQA exam board assessment criteria. Targets for improvement will be set.
Key stage 5 - Written feedback will be given every 4 weeks as a minimum. Teachers will record written feedback in the progress conversation logs which are either at the back of the sketchbook or on the learner websites in a separate tab. Effort grades and mid project working towards grades may be awarded. At the end of a project, learners will receive a working at grade, a reviewed predicted grade and an effort grade. Formal assessment sheets will be provided based on the AQA exam board assessment criteria. Targets for improvement will be set.
Assessment is project based at Key Stage 3.
Key stage 4 and 5 assessments may differ from whole school due to NEA deadline dates.
Year 10 - Assessment is project based. (NEA)
Year 11 - GCSE art, photography, graphics mocks - Week Beginning Nov 20th 1 x 5 hour day. GCSE Coursework deadline 1 - December 15th 2023. GCSE coursework final deadline – March 31st. GCSE Exams 10 hours (2 days) starting 21st March over 6 days.
Year 12 - Independent conclusion/mock 28th March. Personal Investigations (NEA) starts 15th April.
Year 13 - U6 Unit 1 deadline 1 - Friday 17th November - formal marking point. WB 4th December U6 Art and Photo 5 hour start to final piece for Unit 1. U6 Personal Investigation - Final Deadline for practical work Monday 15th January. Essay fortnight Monday 15th – Friday 26th. Portfolio deadline – 31st January. A Level ESA paper hand out February 1st. A Level exams 29th April and 30th April (Art/Photo) Mop up days 1st and 2nd May + lesson time to conclude by 10th May. (15 hours in total) Thursday 16th May - A Level Art Exhibition.