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School Counselling Service

How can counselling/ therapy help?

Young people today face many pressures and counselling provides the opportunity to talk about anything that may be concerning them in a safe, non-judgemental space with a trained professional.

Sometimes young people need to talk to someone who isn’t directly involved in their lives.

Counselling may help young people to see their situation more clearly and find ways to cope with the issues that are impacting their education and general wellbeing.

What issues can be discussed?

Common presenting issues are anxiety, low mood, self-harm and bereavement but many other issues may arise in counselling. If the counsellor feels the young person needs input from specialist services, they will refer the young person on as required. Parents/carers will always be informed of this.


Confidentiality allows the young person and counsellor to develop a therapeutic relationship built on trust.

Issues discussed in the counselling room will not be shared unless there was a safeguarding concern involving the young person or someone they know.

Sometimes the young person may ask for information to be shared or the counsellor may suggest it, with the young person’s permission.

Will parents /carers always be informed?

Wherever possible openness and transparency are encouraged but occasionally a young person may request that their parent/carer does not know about counselling.

If the referring adult or counsellor feels your child is able to understand what is involved there is no legal obligation to inform parents/carers.

We understand that this can be hard for some parents/carers and does not mean that your relationship with your child isn’t strong.

If you have any concerns or queries do get in touch with the school.

How can I as a parent/carer help?

It is helpful if you view your child’s decision to seek counselling as a normal, positive and pro-active thing to do. Tell them you are interested in how it is going and are willing to help but don’t push them to discuss sessions if they are reluctant.

What happens when a young person is referred for counselling?

Referrals usually come from Heads of Year, Pastoral Managers or Form Tutors with the young person’s consent.

There is a waiting list and referrals are triaged. Counselling will take place on site and during the school day.

Appointment times vary from week to week to avoid missing the same subjects and sixth formers are expected to have appointments in their free periods where possible.

The average amount of sessions is 6, with each session lasting 50 minutes but this depends on the individual.

Counselling sessions do not affect your child’s attendance record or future applications to college or university.

Counselling is voluntary and can end at any time but the young person is expected to let the counsellor know in advance whenever possible so the appointment can be given to someone else.

Records are stored securely and in accordance with GDPR.

Professional counsellor/therapists are required to discuss their case load with a supervisor to ensure safe and ethical working but identity is protected.

Counselling in schools is free.

Who are the Counsellors?

Angela Scaife

Angela is a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor, accredited with the BACP. Angela has years of experience working with young people, not only as a counsellor but in various roles in Schools and Further Education. This has given Angela a real appreciation of the pressures young people and their families may face. Angela is passionate about providing a safe, non-judgemental, easy to access space for learners in our school.

Joanna Haworth

Joanna is a qualified Art and EMDR psychotherapist registered with HCPC. Joanna has years of experience working therapeutically across schools and community settings with young people from 5-25 years. Sometimes finding the right words is difficult and painful, so Joanna believes in the power of finding creative ways to safely express our story and our experiences.