Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Do you need mental health support?
Mental health support during school hours
There is support in our school for anyone wanting to discuss worries. You can speak to your Form tutor, your Pastoral Manager or Head of Year or a member of staff who you feel you can talk to. The best time to do this is before 8.40am in the morning, at break, at lunch time or during PLaN.
Year |
Head of Year |
Pastoral Manager |
7 |
Miss Fullwood |
Mrs Bowen |
8 |
Mrs Dey |
Mrs Wynne |
9 |
Mr Togher |
Mrs Maxwell |
10 |
Mr Wearden |
Mrs McLeod |
11 |
Mr Quirk |
Ms Carter |
Learners in 6th Form: Please speak to either Mr Lewis, Director of 6th Form or Miss Main, Assistant Director of 6th Form or Mrs Stickels, Pastoral Manager. Alternatively email Year12@uptonhigh.co.uk or Year13@uptonhigh.co.uk.
Important: In a crisis, please do not contact members of staff outside of school hours since they will not be able to help you at that time. Please contact either local or national support found below:
Mental health support outside of school hours
Local support is available. You can speak to:
- Your Doctor (GP)
- Your local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services call: 01244 397644 (Monday to Friday 5pm-10pm, Weekends 12pm-8pm)
- A mental health practitioner at your local Hospital A&E in an emergency
If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse or deteriorates, this can be called a ‘mental health crisis’. In this situation, it is important to get help quickly.
Call: 0800 145 6485
The phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people.
Remember call 999 or go to A & E if :
- someone's life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose
- you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe
A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone's time.
The following national organisations also offer support:
- The Mix - confidential support for young people: www.themix.org.uk - 0808 808 4994
- Childline - counselling service: www.childline.org.uk - 0800 1111
- Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support: www.kooth.com
- Youth Wellbeing Directory - find support services local to you: www.youthwellbeing.co.uk
- On My Mind - make informed choices about mental wellbeing: www.onmymind.info
- AFC Crisis Messenger - Crisis Messenger text services provides free, 24/7 crisis support: Text AFC to 85258
- Shout - 24/7 text service if you need immediate help www.giveusashout.org: Text shout to 85258