Ethos and Values
At Upton-by-Chester High School our vision is clear and it is expressed in our school motto, 'Learning to Shape the Future'. This really does capture what is at the heart of the school. We undertake that every learner - whatever their previous attainment - will gain the life-long enrichment and learning from the time they spend with us at Upton-by-Chester High School. Our approach is to provide the opportunities that will capture the imagination of our learners and allow them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful academically and socially. We will provide traditional academic subjects and vocational opportunities so we can support the learning needs of all our young people. This will support our young people to shape the future as effective citizens in a global society.
Our motto is underpinned by three key areas of focus namely Believe and Achieve to Succeed.
Quality of Education.
- We believe that every learner in Upton-by-Chester High School can achieve their potential.
- We believe that we provide a high quality curriculum, which will give all learners the opportunity to achieve at a high level.
- Through our Maximising Success model of learning and teaching, we can deliver lessons that ensure all learners can achieve their potential.
- We place high expectations for learners to engage effectively in their own learning.
- We believe we offer a broad extra curricula provision, through our Engage @ Upton program which ensures that all learners succeed in learning new skills and abilities as well as developing existing talents.
Behaviours and Attitudes
- At Upton-by-Chester High School, we value learning in order that we can achieve.(Value Learning*).
- We believe in the importance of building positive relationships with one another in order that we can all succeed (Respect*)
- We believe that all our learners learn most effectively in a well-ordered environment where achievements are celebrated. All members of the school community take responsibility for their actions to achieve this. (Responsibility*)
*These themes are reflected in the school code of conduct – ‘The Upton Way’
Personal Development
- We believe that through the formal and informal curriculum we prepare all learners to succeed in taking their place in a global society.
- We support all learners to achieve high attendance, good behaviour and participation in extra curricula activities to support their own personal development.
Leadership and Management
- We show pride and commitment to our vision at all times in order that we secure positive outcomes for every learner at Upton-by-Chester High School.
- We maintain high expectations of all who are part of the Upton-by-Chester High School community and ensure that everyone understands their role in supporting the school’s vision.
- We will be visible and approachable in order that all members of our community are able to succeed.
- We will develop trust through consistent and effective practices. This trust will allow all members of the school community to believe and achieve to succeed.