Our current policies are below. If you require a hard copy of any of our policies, please email your request to admin@uptonhigh.co.uk.
- Accessibility Policy and Planpdf
- Admissions policy 2025-26pdf
- Admissions policy 2026-27pdf
- Anti-bullyingpdf
- Anti-Racism Policy 2024-25pdf
- Assessment Policy 2023-24pdf
- Attendance and Punctualitypdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidancepdf
- CCTV pdf
- Charging and Remissions pdf
- Complaints Policy and Procedure 2024-25pdf
- Data Protectionpdf
- Designated Teacher - PLAC and LACpdf
- Drugspdf
- Educational Visitspdf
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)pdf
- Equality Policy and Objectivespdf
- Feedback, Marking and Presentation Protocol 2024-25pdf
- Finance Manualpdf
- Freedom of Information Policypdf
- Homework Policypdf
- ICT Acceptable Usepdf
- Keeping children safe in education 2023pdf
- Learner Privacy Noticepdf
- Learning and Teaching Policy 2023-24pdf
- Looked After Childrenpdf
- Mobile Phone Policypdf
- Physical Intervention Policypdf
- PSHE Policy 2023-24pdf
- Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 pdf
- RSE Policypdf
- Safeguarding Policy 2024-25pdf
- SAR Policypdf
- SEND Offerpdf
- SEND Policypdf
- Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviourpdf
- Supporting Learners with Medical Needs Policypdf
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy 2024-25pdf
- Uniform Policypdf
- Website checklist 2024-25pdf
- Young Carerspdf